Music: A day in the life

Song of the moment
On Saturday 27th the song is : Anna Nalick- Breaking the girl
Lyrics of the moment
It's just a matter how I define my state of is a good day ♫
CD of the moment
Anna Ternheim - Halfway to halfpoints.
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Kite Runners
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Life happens over coffee
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Snow Patrol - A hundred million suns
miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008
Album Review twit by twit

  1. If there is a rocket tie me to me** It has a u2-esque piano...I like it 8/10
  2. Crack the shutters** Slow paced...a little repetitive a very Eyes Open sound 7/10
  3. Take back the city ** I don't know if its the number of times I've heard it...hehe...I like it, good rythm 9/10
  4. Lifeboats ** The first notes of the guitar reminded me of Oasis... 9/10
  5. The Golden Floor** A very death cab for cutie sound on this one...not so sure about the claps though ** 7.5/10
  6. Please just take these photos ** So far so good...the guitar builds up. Not so different from their usual upbeat songs, but I like it 8.5/10
  7. Set down your glass* Reminded me of cranberries- Ode to my family* Maybe it will grow on me,perhaps paying more attention to the lyrics 8/10
  8. The planets bend between us*Love the title...the song not so much,again maybe listening to the lyrics carefully would make a difference 7/10
  9. Engines ** It gets a little repetitive with the "uuuh's" , I liked the chorus though... 8/10
  10. Disaster Button ** Again builds up, sounds a little too much like "take back the city" 8.8/10
  11. The lightning strike** Loved the piano...reminded me of tom yorke... 9.5/10


posted by Clau @ 23:03  
  • At 31 de diciembre de 2008, 12:49, Anonymous Anónimo said…

    This was a nice record even though not as strong as the past one... Still some songs are great to be hearing all day... Kind of repetitive... but with a good style on lyrics and guitars...

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